I’m very proud of the writing I did as an editorial intern for WALTER Magazine, an arts & culture magazine based in Raleigh, North Carolina. From my feature on the Kirby Derby (linked below – it was a print story that turned into a top-hitting web story) to my interview with Theatre Raleigh’s Lauren Kennedy Brady about the magic of regional theatre (a passion we both share) to spelunking through municipal data records for a story on Raleigh’s growth, I got to explore many different corners of the city. But the common thread running through every story in WALTER is this: finding out what Raleighites love, and telling the story of that love in a way that is respectful and true to the subjects’ convictions. WALTER taught me that a city is a patchwork quilt of its people’s love stories, and sharing them is what makes a colorful and warm place to live for everyone.

Click here to read my top-hitting featured story, “The Circuit”

Click here to see my full WALTER profile


In 2020, while I was away from campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I started writing for my school’s student-run newspaper. I’d never done any kind of journalism before, so becoming a reporter for The Dartmouth was a fun way to learn something new and spice up my life in quarantine. It also deepened my connection to campus life, even though I was states away from Dartmouth – conducting Zoom interviews with students and staff for stories introduced me to some wonderful people I otherwise wouldn’t have crossed paths with.

I primarily write for the Mirror, the paper’s student life section. I love that the interviews I conduct with students for Mirror stories feel more like organic conversations, and I enjoy writing about complex campus culture topics in ways that feel approachable and colloquial. I try to infuse humor into my writing, especially in my more personal, reflective pieces (which you’ll also find linked on the Personal Essays tab).


Click here to view my staff profile for The Dartmouth


Featured Story: The Spaces Between

When my editors asked me to write this story about students depledging from Greek life for the News section, I was initially very intimidated! Between adapting my reporting voice to the News section’s more formal conventions and interviewing students about deeply personal experiences within a realm I hadn’t known much about before, I knew it would be a learning experience.

I went into my interviews with an open mind, and tried to make a welcoming space for my interviewees to speak their stories freely. I explored my own voice as a reporter, trial-and-erroring many different intros and analysis passages. I did my best to remain both flexible and focused throughout the writing process, and ended up with what I believe is one of the best pieces I’ve written for The D. Writing The Spaces Between gave me confidence in my ability to learn, and through learning, rise to any challenge.


Click here to read The Spaces Between: Stepping Away from Greek Life at Dartmouth